P.A.R.I.SYS.® regular activity supports production efficiency and the predictive management of chemical risk.
This service was designed to support the evaluation of various classifications substances, especially those having classification profiles according to art. 57 of the REACh Regulation.
This assessment, which will have a dynamic evolution in relation to the update deadlines set by the various committees active in the ECHA area, will notify with appropriate warnings any obsolescence or reclassification projects underway by EU Member States. This activity will be aimed at supporting adaptation, replacement or eventual exemption, where applicable, of substances intended as such or within the relative mixtures.
The P.A.R.I.SYS.® regulatory support is a comprehensive service supported by multidisciplinary skills and proven experience in the chemical sector by IFI Srl.
It provides the output of a proprietary management interface allowing to catalog substances and mixtures that contain them, following the classification dynamic evolution from the ROI (Registry of Intention) up to the possible inclusion in Annex XIV or XVII according to the criteria set by the REACh regulation.
This way, it will be possible to customize the PARISYS.® service on request, for institutions and companies, by monitoring evolutionarily the status of a substance both for the assessment of the chemical risk, to which a substance can be associated over time, as its availability for planning and technical updating of industrial processes in which this substance is involved.
With the same procedures it will be possible to catalog the articles and their components for the purpose of Art. 33 of the REACh and support compliance with the European Court of Justice’s ruling for case C-106/14.